We are excited to welcome your children along to our Easter holiday club. The club will run on
Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th April - 9.30am-12pm
Friday 18th April - 10.30am-12pm.
We are charging a small cost of £5 per family for the week.
All bookings must be made by a parent or guardian. You can create your booking by clicking on the grey "create new booking" button below. We will ask you for some basic contact details and then you need to click on the "add person" button to add your child/ren one by one. This is so that you can give us individual details about your child/ren, so that we can care for them well.
Any questions in red require filling in, if a question doesn't apply to your child (for example, they have no allergies) then please type "none" in the box.
Once you are finished, click "submit booking" to complete your booking.
Any questions or concerns, please get in touch with the .
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